Quick Facts

Sacramento, the vibrant capital city of California, boasts a plethora of educational institutions and museums that serve as rich resources for math-related learning and exploration. From interactive science centers to extensive library collections, there are numerous venues where enthusiasts of all ages can immerse themselves in the fascinating world of mathematics and its real-world applications. Whether you're a student, educator, or just someone with a keen interest in math and STEM, Sacramento has a variety of options to choose from.
The museum focuses on hands-on learning experiences for children, with exhibits related to science, math, and art.
This science center is dedicated to educating the public about science, technology, engineering, and math through interactive exhibits and programs.
This center offers a range of exhibits and programs focused on space, science, and technology, with hands-on activities that promote STEM learning.
This center provides interactive science exhibits and programs that foster a love for STEM subjects in visitors of all ages.
The museum offers a fascinating look at the history of aviation and space exploration, with exhibits on engineering, physics, and more.
The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) maintains the mathematics standards for schools in the local area. These local Sacramento standards align with California's Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CA CCSSM), which were adopted in 2010 and modified in 2013.
Under CA CCSSM, math curricula should incorporate coherence and rigor to prepare students for college and their careers and provide them with “the knowledge and skills necessary to fully participate in the twenty-first-century global economy.”
In Sacramento City schools, math lessons in Grade 2 focus on units of measure, base-ten notation, and shapes. Students also continue building their addition and subtraction skills. By Grade 8, curricula feature lessons on functions and quantitative relationships, two- and three-dimensional space, and linear equations. Students also learn to apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
California's Common Core Math standards offer two options for high school students: a traditional pathway and an integrated pathway. SCUSD schools follow the integrated pathway and offer high school students Math 1, 2, and 3. In Math 1, students deepen their understanding of linear relationships and geometric properties, and theorems. The main topics in Math 3 are probability and statistics, triangle trigonometry, and various functions: polynomial, radical, and rational.
Students in California public schools take the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress in Grades 3-8 and in Grade 11. Test results from the 2020-2021 academic year show that only 7.7% of Grade 4 students met or exceeded the standard for math. Additionally, 46.1% of students scored in the "Standard Nearly Met" range.
It's important to note that factors relating to the COVID-19 pandemic affected testing conditions during the 2020-2021 academic year. The California Department of Education states that "care should be used when interpreting results" of data from that year.
Test results from the 2018-2019 school year show that 32.5% of Grade 4 students met or exceeded the mathematics standard, and nearly 26.0% fell into the Standard Nearly Met category. In that same year, 25.4% of high school juniors met or exceeded the math standard, and 24.6% nearly met it.
According to data supplied by College Board, only 24% of students in California's 2021 graduating class took the SAT during high school. Of those test-takers, 48% hit the college-readiness benchmark.
In Sacramento, there are several local math competitions, math fairs, and STEM events that encourage students to engage in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. One notable event is the Sacramento Regional STEM Fair, a 12-county science, technology, engineering, and math competition for students in grades 6-12. This fair includes a non-judged showcase division for students in grades 5-11 and also features a College & Career Expo to provide information about career pathways in STEM.
Moreover, the Sacramento County Office of Education hosts an annual “Girls in STEM” event to encourage middle school girls to explore STEM education and career opportunities. This event is held at the SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity and provides an inclusive platform for young girls to delve into the STEM fields.
In Sacramento, various initiatives are underway to enhance math education. The Math in Common initiative, funded by the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation from 2013 to 2020, supported California school districts, including Sacramento City, in implementing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M) for grades K-8. The initiative aimed to build leadership capacity within districts and support a community of practice among the participating districts to discuss effective strategies, address common challenges, and share tools and lessons learned about standards implementation.
The Sacramento State Math and Science Teacher Initiative is another effort to bolster math education, focusing on the preparation of math teachers. There's also a dedicated portal for math professional development and resources provided by the Sacramento City Unified School District, indicating a structured approach to improving math education within the district.
Sacramento State Professor Elaine Kasimatis was recognized as one of the nation's best math educators, showcasing the caliber of math education available in the city.
n 2022, the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards in the CAASPP/Smarter Balanced tests declined in math.
The city has a structured grid system, especially evident downtown, making it an interesting case of urban geometry.
An iconic symbol of Sacramento, the Tower Bridge is a vertical lift bridge with a design that involves several geometrical and mechanical principles.
The Mathematics Project at Sacramento State serves as a professional hub for teachers to enhance their teaching skills and foster students' potential in math
In 2021, the mean SAT score in California was 1057 with a standard deviation of 247. The scores were further broken down into a mean score of 527 or Evidence-based Reading and Writing (ERW), and a mean score of 530 math. The percentage of the graduating class taking the SAT was 24%, showing a decrease from the previous years, which could be a reflection of changing college admission policies amid the pandemic. Data from NCES
The average ACT scores for California students were notably high with a composite score of 26.1, accompanied by scores of 26.2 in English, 25.6 in Mathematics, 26.6 in Reading, and 25.5 in Science. The percentage of graduates taking the ACT in California was 5% in 2021, showing a significant drop from 31% in 2017, likely a result of the pandemic and a move towards test-optional admissions policies by many colleges and universities. Data from NCES
There are several vital factors to consider before you hire an online math tutor. Experience, knowledge, and cost are all necessary, but choosing someone whose personality will help your child feel comfortable and encouraged is also essential. Sessions should be held in a location that's safe and conducive to learning.
At Learner, we match every student with a math tutor who has the best experience, teaching style, and personality for their unique needs. Sessions are held in our virtual classroom so that students can learn from home, and each one is recorded and available for review at any time.
When you hire a Learner math tutor for your child, you can feel confident you are giving them an outstanding education and the support they need to succeed in school. Every one of our instructors has a proven history of helping students gain confidence and make real academic progress.
Answer questions about your child's background and unique needs.
Schedule a call with our Academic Advisor to identify learning goals and objectives.
We will custom match the right tutor for your child. Your initial session is commitment-free.
Before you make the final decision about hiring a private math tutor, get more information with these answers to common questions.
The textbooks and classroom materials used in Sacramento schools are often geared toward standardized tests, which can prevent students from truly understanding the underlying logic of math. Learner tutors allow students to ask questions and work at their own pace so they can develop a firm grasp of essential math concepts.
In a standard Sacramento classroom, the teacher must develop math lessons for the group, which can leave individual students feeling frustrated and disconnected. At Learner, your child will work one-on-one with their private tutor, who will customize each lesson, so it has the perfect level, focus, and pace.
Our tutors take a fresh approach to algebra, geometry, and other math classes that many students find boring. They present intriguing examples and discuss real-world applications of key concepts so students feel prepared to use their problem-solving skills in college and in their careers.
Chelsea from Learner helped me to get a full ride to Duke University.
“Chelsea from Learner was the perfect match for me. She customized the training so that it would push me hard - but not too hard where I would get frustrated. I worked with Chelsea for years because she took a genuine interest in me and my future.”
"Stephanie taught me how to be more organized. I was getting Bs and Cs before I started working with her. I used to get overwhelmed before studying for a test. Stephanie taught me how to create “study guides” so I’d have all the big ideas in one place. I am now getting As and Bs and my parents are much happier."
"When I first started working with Alan, I told him I would never be good at math. I barely passed my first two years of high school math and I needed one more hard math class to graduate. Alan believed in me and worked with me on the basics. Little by little, he built up my confidence to the point where I realized I am good at math and I did well in the class."
Math is a progressive subject; each new course builds on the previous ones. Students must have a solid foundation to succeed in high school and college. At Learner, we offer tutoring in several subjects that Sacramento middle school and high school students need the most.
Scholarship Award: $1,000
The Women in STEM Scholarship is a recurring scholarship that’s open to women who are STEM majors. The next deadline to apply is November 20th, and winners will be announced on December 20th.
Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) play crucial roles in today’s rapidly evolving technological advancements. However, the STEM industry hasn’t always advocated for equal representation, leaving women disadvantaged. With this considered, Learner’s Annual Women in STEM Scholarship strives to encourage and support women pursuing a STEM career, recognizing the boundless potential they bring to global innovation.
The journey to gender equality in STEM fields, although progressing, still has a long way to go. Beyond fairness, the industry as a whole needs bright, young minds to continue its advancement, and we believe women are the key to filling the gap. By offering support to dedicated women pursuing a STEM education, we hope to encourage the next generation of STEM leaders, minimizing financial strain and inequality.
We at Learner recognize the importance of promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment. Our scholarship is a testament to our dedication to equal opportunities in STEM, aimed at reducing barriers that impede the academic journey of young women in these fields. By doing so, we hope to inspire more women to pursue and thrive in STEM careers, contributing to a richer, more diverse professional realm.
We believe more diverse representation in STEM will fuel innovation, drive growth, and lead to more comprehensive solutions for global challenges. We also envision this scholarship serving as a catalyst to motivate other institutions and organizations to promote gender equality in STEM education and careers.Through Learner’s Annual Women in STEM scholarship, we aim to foster a community of women empowered by knowledge, driven by curiosity, and ready to contribute to the STEM field.
Amount: $1,000
Application deadline: November 20
Winner announcement: December 20
Recurring: Annually
You can apply for this scholarship on the Bold.org scholarship platform. Follow the directions and submit your application for the Women in STEM Scholarship, along with a short essay answering the following prompts:
The application will be open through November 20.
The scholarship award is $1,000.
Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. Recipients will be chosen based on the merit of their application.
The prize check will be sent to the scholarship winner’s college institution in their name and in the name of their institution (depending on the school’s requirements).
Yes, the Women in STEM Scholarship is an annual scholarship.
Learner manages this scholarship with the support of the Bold.org scholarship platform. Bold.org takes student confidentiality and privacy incredibly seriously. Please refer to the application page on Bold.org for full details.