I have a bachelor's and master's degree in mathematics and have tutored in this and a few other subjects for over ten years, including high school physics, music theory, and English to Spanish-speakers. I have enjoyed helping students in K-College and hope to continue doing so, learning more and more with my students.
One of my biggest goals when teaching is not just to get the student done with work, but also to really understand, interact, and feel inspired to put the newly-attained concepts and skills into use. We first tap into prior knowledge, investigate what we know and what we are not clear about, then we work to design a (sometimes experimental) path that can lead us to the answer. The process is key, as it helps encourage problem-solving.
I had a student who struggled with her math classes. She enjoyed the patience that I offered her all throughout the learning process and tried her best to press on. Recently, after about a year of no contact, she thanked me for having helped her because she was motivated to apply to a college program in economy and was well aware of its use of math. She said she would not be seeking to delve into a math-heavy field like this in the past, and this whole experience meant to me that I was doing my job in helping others be more confident learners.
I love to play the piano, study, play videogames, and ride bicycle. I'm also interested in music composition, boomerangs, squirrels, and learning how to draw/sketch.
Test Prep:
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