About Me

I have classroom teaching and tutoring experience in Reading, Phonics, and ELA with K-5th grade students for 23 years. I have been doing online tutoring in Reading, Phonics, ELA, and elementary math with students from 1st-5th grade since 2019. I have a Bachelor’s Degree In Elementary Education from the College Of Charleston.

Tutoring Style

I enjoy teaching Reading, Phonics, ELA, and elementary math. I am very excited about these subjects. Students have different learning levels, so I make sure to find out what the levels of learning are with the students. I can find the right teaching strategies that go with their learning abilities. Being patient and understanding of the student’s needs, I can provide the most comfortable environment for the students to learn in and feel confident. My ultimate goal is for the students to achieve at the highest levels.

Success Story

One of my success stories was a student I tutored from Sept. 2023 to May 2024. The student was in fourth grade. This student had difficulties and struggles with reading fluency, phonics, and reading comprehension (the student did not completely understand the main idea of a story). I helped the student with these struggles by working with him to understand the meaning of story structure (setting, characters, main idea, and conclusion) and the roles each part played in helping to understand the main idea of the story. I worked with him on reading fluency by teaching the student how to read fluently through pronunciation of words and decoding. The student learned the basic foundational skills for phonics. Through our weekly sessions, the student began to feel more confident and eager to pronounce words and ask questions about the story in class. He learned how to pronounce more complex words. The student’s classroom teacher was very impressed with his growth.

Hobbies & Interests

When I am not tutoring, I enjoy exercising, going on outings with family/friends, dancing, and listening to music.


  • Elementary Math

ELA (Language Arts):

  • Phonics
  • Reading
  • Handwriting
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Grammar

Tutoring subjects:


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