About Me

In 2023, I graduated from Union University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Honors. While I was at Union, I tutored my peers online and in person. After graduating, I completed a year of service where I tutored 8th graders in an intercity school.

Tutoring Style

I've loved mathematics since I was introduced to it in Kindergarten; however, I also recognize that most people do not particularly like doing math, so I am quite patient with students. I have a flexible tutoring style, adapting to where the student is at mathematically and meeting them there. Then I work with them on the topics until they are confident and can finish related problems independently. While I work well with most types of students, I particularly enjoy working with those who are curious and ask 'Why...?' questions.

Success Story

We've all heard the saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink." Well, you can give a teenager tutoring but you can't make them learn, because they have to be motivated and willing to learn. I worked with over a dozen 8th graders every day for last school year, and one of the ones who was motivated earned the highest honor of the school and a few others got the top ten. A few students I was able to motivate and saw drastic increases in their grades, and the less motivated students passed. I helped each of my students about the same, but only those who cared saw success.

Hobbies & Interests

I am constantly doing arts and crafts - whether crocheting, painting, bracelets, mine craft, or coloring - I always have a side project. I love audiobooks and my favorite book series include Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Little House on the Prairie, Narnia, and Ahren: the 13th Paladin. Besides that, I'm highly interested in traveling, various cultures, neurodivergence, and personality types.


  • Middle School Math
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Honors Algebra
  • College Algebra

Tutoring subjects:

Middle School Math
College Algebra

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