About Me

I am a certified teacher for secondary English Language Arts in Texas, a former professional writing tutor at a local college system in Houston where I earned CRLA Master level certification, and an experienced private tutor of 5 additional years. I obtained a BA in English from the University of Missouri's Honors College with an emphasis in Creative Writing. I've taught 8th-12th grade ELA since 2015 and took a brief break to pursue my Masters in Education for Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Gratz College.

Tutoring Style

I have a strong passion for literature and writing, but I am also a realist and I understand that many students don't share that passion, but they have exceptional skills in math, sports, art, or even building robots. Knowing this, I aim to find innovative ways to engage students while respecting their unique interests, skills, and abilities. Building a rapport is essential in this process, and though I have high expectations and will push students' critical thinking skills beyond what they may be used to, I do so in an encouraging and supportive way, allowing plenty of time to "talk through" their thought process. Finally, communication with family, caregivers, and/or teachers is a critical component of tutoring, and I invite and encourage parents to communicate freely with me about any concerns, celebrations, frustrations, or just to check in and say "Hey!"

Success Story

My mom was an elementary and intermediate reading teacher for 30 years, and before retiring, she had a student who she tutored after school. This student was incredibly "stubborn" when it came to writing and reading, and she had not passed any state assessments for ELA, ever. After my mom retired, I began to tutor her when she entered the 6th trade. She struggled immensely with writing a single paragraph and told me she would never be able to write one full page of anything. That was five years ago, and I am still tutoring her (though far less often), she has since passed all of her state assessments, won a Scholastic Art & Writing Gold Key for a short story she wrote, passed AP English III, and is now in her final year of high school taking AP English IV. She still doesn't love the subject, and that's okay - but she is living proof that all students can read, think, and write exceptionally.

Hobbies & Interests

I love hanging out with my dog, Dexter, a little Boston terrier pug I adopted last year who demands tons of attention. When we're not hanging out, I love exploring my city and getting lost in the museum district, old bookstores, and unique food trucks and farmer's markets. I have a strong passion for human rights and I create educational outreach material for genocide prevention in my free time (while also working on a corresponding soon-to-be-published book!) and I volunteer for refugee services at my city's interfaith ministry to assist families who have fled religious or ethnic persecution as they integrate into the United States.

Social Studies:

  • World History
  • AP World History

ELA (Language Arts):

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Grammar
  • Common Core English
  • English I
  • English II
  • English III
  • English IV
  • Honors English
  • AP English Language & Comp
  • AP English Lit & Comp
  • Literature
  • Composition
  • Creative Writing
  • Essay Writing
  • College Essay Writing
  • ESL
  • IB Language B
  • IB Language AB
  • Writing

Tutoring subjects:

Social Studies

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