I have been tutoring students in middle school through college since 2015. Before tutoring, I helped predict food crises in Latin America as a World Bank data analyst. I have a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and statistics and a Master's degree in quantitative economics.
Considering my academic accomplishments, many people are surprised to hear that I was not always a great student throughout my academic career. I am a firm believer that if I can manage to go from failing math classes to getting a Master's degree in applied math, then anyone else can too.
My approach to tutoring relies on leveling with my students that math (and school in general) is hard and sometimes not fun. However, if I'm given the opportunity to present the interesting and useful sides of math, and to make the unavoidable slogs as painless as possible, my students find being successful in school much more possible than they previously realized (and even sometimes... FUN?!).
While in college, I had a student named Ashley who had just graduated from Cal Poly’s biology program. Ashley had always been convinced that she was going to be a doctor, but when she finally made it through all the academic requirements to get into medical school, she realized she didn’t want to be a doctor anymore.
In a desperate attempt to find out what she wanted to do, she started taking various classes, including a discrete math course. She never considered herself to be a “math person” but wanted to explore her options.
She failed her first discrete math test and considered dropping the course. Luckily, through a mutual friend, she decided to get tutoring from me before officially giving up.
After working with me, Ashley’s performance improved until she was the top student in class. She also discovered that, when presented the right way, she actually really enjoyed math. After getting an A in the course she decided to take more math classes which put her on the path of computer science, the field in which she ultimately earned a Master's degree from UC Santa Cruz.
My assistant teacher Sylow (my German Shepherd) is who I spend most of my time with. We’re considering going to competition for long distance frisbee.
I also love anything geek related: video games, TV shows, anime, fantasy novels, trading card games, you name it!
My other passion in life is food and cooking. Currently, my best recipe is my slow-cooked pork carnitas. Another recipe I love is my chicken-katsu sandwich, delicious!
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