About Me

I have been tutoring math privately for well over 10 years, and have been teaching math full-time in a classroom setting with at-risk youth for the past 5 years. I have worked with students of all dispositions from SPED to Gifted, so I have experience teaching students of all levels from High School seniors with math skills at the elementary level to 4th graders working on High School level competition mathematics. I studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Florida and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree.

Tutoring Style

I have always loved math, and have a passion for teaching and helping others. I find that my style of tutoring involves a great deal of patience when required, as it is important to let the students come up with solutions and work the problems out themselves, providing helpful nudges from time to time. I enjoy explaining the broad concepts and then allowing the students to apply those ideas to the problems at hand, developing the student's abilities to problem-solve on their own. I am very adaptable to my students' learning styles, and find that my friendly and relaxed disposition is generally well-received and produces excellent results.

Success Story

The story that comes to mind most often is a young man who entered one of the facilities in which I teach around grade 7 level struggling to perform even the most basic elementary-level math operations. He was afraid and shut down immediately when called upon, to the verge of tears. I gently explained to him that it was alright that he was unsure, and that if he would pay attention to how I was solving problems with the other students, I would continue to give him opportunities to join in. He eventually took me up on that offer, and went from not participating at all to his hand shooting up at the beginning of class with an excited "Can I go first today Mr. Tyler?!" Throughout our time together he was able to not only catch up to his expected grade level but surpass it, and was one of the students I have been most proud to have had in my classroom.

Hobbies & Interests

In my spare time, I enjoy solving logic puzzles and playing chess. I love going to the park with my dog, Ghost, and I have also been a scuba diver for the past 10 years


  • Elementary Math
  • Middle School Math
  • Common Core Math
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Honors Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus
  • Competition Math
  • College Algebra
  • College Geometry
  • College Trigonometry
  • College Calculus I

Tutoring subjects:


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