About Me

I am an experienced tutor with a flexible and adaptive approach. I have a Master's in data science and have been helping students prepare for standardized tests for over a decade.

Tutoring Style

I equip my students with knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of the test, beyond simple content learning. We discuss what the question is really asking, the tricks and traps at play, and the simplest approach to minimize mental strain and maximize time efficiency. I meet students where they're at, helping them play on their strengths while shoring up their weaknesses to build confidence and the tenacity to do their best.

Success Story

My simplest but most powerful success story was a student who came to me having plateaued at a 1450 SAT score. Within the first session, I could tell her underlying issue was being overprepared -- she was burning herself out! I helped her set a more healthy pace to revitalize her psyche and reignite her drive to succeed. Meeting weekly over the next couple of months, we worked through the few question archetypes that were giving her trouble and reestablished her self-confidence. She went on to score a 1580 and went to the University of Oxford in England.

Another of my students was home-schooled with relatively weak academics and a poor track record with standardized tests. Her initial results came back with a sub-1000 SAT score, but she needed a 1280 to qualify for some scholarships which would be the difference for whether or not she'd be able to attend college. Coming from a non-standard educational background, although she was aware of many of the concepts she had not necessarily learned them in the way the SAT assumes students are taught. She had to essentially relearn all these concepts according to the SAT standard. We took an honest and humble approach, letting go of questions that were out of reach given the time constraints and choosing instead to focus on the ones that could be quickly and efficiently answered. Meeting weekly for a grueling six months, our efforts paid off with a super score of 1310 over two tests.

Hobbies & Interests

I play all kinds of games: video games, board games, card games, etc. I also love to travel and have been to every continent (except Antarctica... so far).

Test Prep:

  • PSAT
  • GRE
  • SAT - All Sections
  • ACT - All Sections

Tutoring subjects:

Test Prep

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