About Me

I am a licensed Math Teacher with 15 years of experience teaching middle school and high school mathematics, in both traditional and alternative settings. I have Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Vermont. I am a math tutor for grades 6 through adult.

Tutoring Style

I love teaching. I love mathematics. Putting them together to help students reach their goals is my greatest passion. Respect and support for each student are essential for a productive and enjoyable working relationship. I have learned many ways to approach any skill in mathematics education and learn new things every day. Using that toolbox, humor, patience, and practice we can reach any goals students will set for themselves, together.

Success Story

A former tutor student I am still in contact with struggled terribly with the mathematics in her Technical Center electrical classes. She fought every assignment involving Geometry, Trigonometry, and Physics concepts. We met twice a week, once for lessons we identified she needed to strengthen her confidence in those concepts, and once to work together on her weekly assignments. She passed her coursework with a 3.8 GPA and is now a tutor for students in the same program!

Hobbies & Interests

I enjoy cooking, baking, video games, puzzles, crafting, hiking, fishing, reading, movies, music, and learning new things every day


  • Middle School Math
  • Common Core Math
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Honors Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • College Algebra
  • College Geometry
  • Honors Geometry

Tutoring subjects:

Common Core Math

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