About Me

I am a graduate of the University of Central Arkansas, where I received both my bachelor of arts and my master's of arts in English. I am also licensed to teach both middle school and high school in the state of Arkansas. For 12 years, I taught composition and literature courses at colleges in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. In addition, I have worked as an online English tutor where I taught mostly high school and middle school students.

Tutoring Style

I am a lifelong learner and enthusiastic about sharing knowledge with others. I use a wide variety of teaching methods and materials to ensure that I can help each student be successful at the subject they’re trying to master. I am particularly proud of a step-by-step method to composing essays I have developed and have been using for years to much success.

Success Story

One of my favorite success stories is when I was tutoring college students online using a step-by-step graphic organizer to help them plan, organize, and compose an argumentative essay. That year I had three nursing students contact me when the semester was over to let me know they had used the method I had taught them to write essays to successfully get into nursing school.

Hobbies & Interests

I enjoy spending time with my two Shih Tzu. I also enjoy movies, books, and collecting vinyl records. In the spring, when time allows, I can be found chasing tornadoes across the plains.

ELA (Language Arts):

  • Reading
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Speech
  • Common Core English
  • English I
  • English II
  • English III
  • English IV
  • AP English Language & Comp
  • AP English Lit & Comp
  • Literature
  • Composition
  • Essay Writing
  • College Essay Writing
  • Spelling Bee Prep
  • Writing
  • Middle School ELA

Tutoring subjects:


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