About Me

Having been a certified teacher with more than two decades of experience in public, private, supplemental, and digital education, I have taught humanities, writing, and English (both ELA and ELL) to students of all ages and proficiency levels. I have both a B.A. and M.Div., and I have taught students from grades K-Postgraduate.

Tutoring Style

I have proven to be an enthusiastic teacher, passionate about both the topics I teach and the students I guide. I adapt my teaching style to the needs of my student in a responsible and structured way, ensuring the student's needs are addressed properly. Review is important before progressing, and honest communication is essential, so that the student not only improves academically according to their willingness but also learns skills that translate to a successful life.

Success Story

Several of my students have chosen of their own accord to stick with me long-term, and they improved tremendously for that choice. One student went from not knowing how to punctuate correctly to passing AP English Literature and Composition; another student went from failing her literature courses to getting into a law program; yet another went from not knowing basic English parlance to ascending to a federal government position in public policy.

Hobbies & Interests

I enjoy singing, debate, and all things British Isles!

Social Studies:

  • US History
  • Elementary Social Studies
  • Middle School Social Studies

ELA (Language Arts):

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Speech
  • Common Core English
  • English I
  • English II
  • English III
  • English IV
  • Honors English
  • AP English Language & Comp
  • AP English Lit & Comp
  • Literature
  • Composition
  • Creative Writing
  • Essay Writing
  • College Essay Writing
  • ESL
  • Writing
  • Elementary ELA
  • Middle School ELA

Tutoring subjects:


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