About Me

I taught honors math and science classes for seven years in Arizona. I am taking a break from teaching to pursue a degree in Applied Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University.

Tutoring Style

I like to create a welcoming and accommodating environment for students when I tutor. I aim to help each student understand and develop an intuition for the material. I often like to go through several illustrative examples geared toward addressing each student's specific needs.

Success Story

When I was teaching 9th grade, I had a student in my class who was new to my school. She was behind most of her peers in her math skills; however, we worked together consistently for most of the school year and she ended up passing the class with flying colors. We continued working together after her 9th-grade year, and she eventually went on to take Honors Calculus. I am so proud of her work and progress. She has since graduated and is currently in graduate school to become a Physician Assistant.

Hobbies & Interests

I am a musician. I enjoy playing classical guitar and have been in several rock and jazz bands throughout my life. I also try to be active in my spare time. You can often find me out for a run, hike, bike ride, or on the water with my Dragon Boat Paddling team.


  • Algebra II
  • Honors Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus


  • Chemistry

Tutoring subjects:


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