About Me

I am a passionate, dedicated, and patient tutor with more than ten years of experience in guiding students across diverse age groups and backgrounds.

Tutoring Style

In my teaching, I prioritize the student’s needs and learning process. First, I assess their existing knowledge in the specific content area. If necessary, I help them recall relevant prior knowledge. Next, I scaffold their learning, providing support until they can solve problems independently. If the student still struggles, I offer examples with step-by-step explanations. I will provide multiple approaches to enhance understanding. Above all, I value their time and aim to make the learning experience worthwhile, fostering independent learning skills.

Success Story

I had the privilege of working with a math-anxious student in Statistics. Initially, she was terrified of formulas, summation notations, and square roots. I explained the meanings of the notation and translated formulas into words. Gradually, she transitioned to using the formulas confidently. Through frequent scaffolded practices, she gained self-confidence and conquered her anxiety. She earned an A in the class, completed her associate degree, and transferred to a four-year university successfully!

Hobbies & Interests

I love listening, playing music, and cooking. I also enjoy long walks with my family and pet dog Cleopatra.


  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Trigonometry
  • Pre-Calculus
  • College Algebra
  • Formal Logic
  • Singapore Math
  • Saxon Math

Tutoring subjects:

Singapore Math
Saxon Math

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